Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Swiss International poster

Late Modern poster

Early Modern poster

On the left is an image of Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture which is a private house, and on the right is an image of Antonio Gaudi's work.

Frank Lloyd Wright was greatly influenced by his upbringing, due to the events he experienced as a child, he had a deep love of nature and was very individual. His parents always encouraged him to be a free thinker and individual.

When he was just 13 years of age he witnessed the collapsing of the state of Wilsconsit Capitol building, he had difficulty sleeping for weeks as he tried to work out why the tragic accident occured. it was later found it was due to the lack of support from the pillars holding up three stories. Both the builder and architect reglected to test the pillars before hand.

Frank Llyod took this as a lesson and therfore his greatest factor which Wright put forth in his philsophy of organic architecture was safety.

Louis Sullivan was the only acrchitect that Wright would acknowledge had an influence on him "form follows function".

Antonio Gaudi is also a very talented architect however was influened by very differnt things, he was srongly influenced by medievil books and gothic styles.

He had a strong belief that architctural styles did not necessarily depend on the aesthetic ideas but instead were heavily influenced by political and social affairs.

He was heavily impressed with the new Art Nouveau style which replaced the riidity of straight lines.

Joan Martorell was a talented architect who became a strong influence of Gaudi's life, who was the person to suggest to Gaudi to take over the project of ‘Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia.’ as an extremly relgious man he dedicated 43 years to the contruction of the temple.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Jessica Alba

This is a design set out to make a statement. She is trying to achieve the result by stating if you do not vote in the election you are only silencing yourself...

Design is a behaviour

Mesa design

I found this image on www.mesacar.multiply.com, advertising a car. The design has a very feminine feel to it by the colours as well as the pattern of swirls in the background. The design has a playful, fun and trendy feel to it by really only using one colour but different tints of it.

The circles on the floor slope in to direct your eye to the car which is the main focus as well as the swirls which then lead the eye to look at the logo and additional infrmation about the product.

The typography used isn't very visable at first glance untill your eye follows the design to read it.

I like this design as it achieves its goal to advertise the car as it reflects the target market which would be females due to the feminine design.